Frequently Asked Questions

What to do if I have bleeding gums?

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What should I do if I have toothache?

Toothache can be unbearable and it is a sign that something isn’t quite right with your tooth. If the pain is keeping you awake at night, it usually means that the nerve inside your tooth is dying and emergency treatment is required to get you back to an undisturbed night’s sleep. This is usually followed by more thorough treatment of the tooth at a later date to ensure the tooth isn’t lost.

I’ve just had a filling and my tooth is sensitive.

This can be very normal. Your tooth has been drilled and it is understandably a little agitated. Our advice is to rub sensitive toothpaste directly on the tooth several times a day, avoid anything too hot or cold and try to avoid eating on the tooth. The tooth should naturally settle over the coming days and weeks. If, however, you feel the pain is worsening or there is no improvement at all despite these measures, it is advisable to seek advice from your dentist.

I’ve had teeth extracted, can I eat and drink as normal?

We recommend ‘nil by mouth’ for at least an hour after an extraction, and when anything is eaten or drunk, it should be done so in a different part of your mouth from the extraction site. Don’t rinse or spit for at least six hours as this can wash away the clot that has formed and cause bleeding to recommence. If you do start to bleed, get some tissue and bite down for 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops. If it won’t stop, contact your dentist or, out of hours, call 111 or if bleeding is excessive, head straight to A&E and always have a note of any medications you may be taking.

My filling has fallen out, what should I do?

If the tooth is sore or it is causing pain within your mouth, you should have at least a dressing put in as soon as possible. Equally if it is at the front of your mouth, we will endeavour to restore your smile quick smart!If it isn’t causing any problems, there is usually no huge rush to have it sorted although we would recommend getting it checked out at your earliest convenience.

When should I take my child for their first visit to the dentist?

It’s a good idea to bring children along before the first teeth have erupted (usually this happens around 6 months). This allows them to be registered with a dentist, provides them with toothbrush and toothpaste in preparation for the first pearly white and allows the dentist to educate the family on diet and cleaning regimes for healthy teeth from the very start.It also acclimatises the child to what is otherwise quite an alien environment, and allows them to get used to it, so when they are big enough to sit up and have their teeth checked, they are usually quite happy to do so!

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